Removal of person about to commit offences-

Delhi Police Act, 1978

Section 47- Removal of persons about to commit offences:
Whenever it appears to the Commissioner of Police:-
(a) That the movements or acts of any person are causing
or are calculated to cause alarm, danger or harm to
person or property; or
(b) That there are reasonable grounds for believing that
such person is engaged or is about to be engaged in the

commission of an offence involving force or violence or
any offence punishable under Chapter XII, Chapter XVI,
Chapter XVII or Chapter XXII of the Indian Penal Code
(45 of 1860) or under section 290 or sections 489A to
489 E (both inclusive) of that code or in the abetment of
any such offence; or
(c) that such person—
(i) is so desperate and dangerous as to render his
being at large in Delhi or in any part thereof
hazardous to the community; or
(ii) has been found habitually intimidating other
persons by acts of violence or by show of force;
(iii) habitually commits affray or breach or peace or
riot, or habitually makes forcible collection or
subscription or threatens people for illegal
pecuniary gain for himself or for others; or
(iv) has been habitually passing indecent remarks on
women and girls, or teasing them by overtures,

and that in the opinion of the Commissioner of
Police witnesses are not willing to come forward
to give evidence in public against such person by
reason of apprehension on their part as regards
the safety of their person or property, the
Commissioner of Police may, by order in writing
duly served on such person, or by beat of drum or
otherwise as he thinks fit, direct such person to so
conduct himself as shall seem necessary in order
to prevent violence and alarm or to remove
himself outside Delhi or any part thereof, by such
route and within such time as the Commissioner
of Police may specify and not to enter or return to
Delhi or part thereof, as the case may be, from
which he was directed to remove himself.
Explanation—A person who during a period
within one year immediately preceding the
commencement of any action under this
section has been found on not less than three occasions to have committed or to have been
involved in any of the acts referred to in this
section shall be deemed to have habitually
committed that act.

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